Source code for linebot.models.filter

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"""linebot.models.filter module."""

from abc import ABCMeta

from future.utils import with_metaclass

from .base import Base

[docs]class Filter(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Base)): """Filter. A filter is the top-level structure of a demographic element. """
[docs] def __init__(self, demographic=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param demographic: Combination of different criteria using logical operator objects. :type demographic: :py:class:`linebot.model.filter.DemographicFilter` | :py:class:`linebot.model.operator.Operator` :param kwargs: """ super(Filter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.demographic = demographic
[docs]class DemographicFilter(Filter): """DemographicFilter. Demographic filter objects represent criteria (e.g. age, gender, OS, region, and friendship duration) on which to filter the list of recipients. You can filter recipients based on a combination of different criteria using logical operator objects. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param kwargs: """ super(DemographicFilter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = None
[docs]class GenderFilter(DemographicFilter): """GenderFilter."""
[docs] def __init__(self, one_of=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param one_of: Send messages to users of a given gender. One of: male: Users who identify as male female: Users who identify as female :type one_of: list[str] """ super(GenderFilter, self).__init__(**kwargs) if one_of is None: one_of = [] self.type = "gender" self.one_of = one_of
[docs]class AppTypeFilter(DemographicFilter): """AppTypeFilter."""
[docs] def __init__(self, one_of=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param one_of: Send messages to users of the specified OS. One of: ios: Users who using iOS. android: Users who using Android. :type one_of: list[str] """ super(AppTypeFilter, self).__init__(**kwargs) if one_of is None: one_of = [] self.type = "appType" self.one_of = one_of
[docs]class AreaFilter(DemographicFilter): """AreaFilter."""
[docs] def __init__(self, one_of=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param one_of: Send messages to users in the specified region. :type one_of: list[str] """ super(AreaFilter, self).__init__(**kwargs) if one_of is None: one_of = [] self.type = "area" self.one_of = one_of
[docs]class AgeFilter(DemographicFilter): """AgeFilter. This lets you filter recipients with a given age range. """
[docs] def __init__(self, gte=None, lt=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. Be sure to specify either gte, lt, or both. :param gte: Send messages to users at least as old as the specified age. :type gte: str :param lt: Send messages to users younger than the specified age. You can specify the same values as for the gte property. :type lt: str """ super(AgeFilter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = "age" self.gte = gte = lt
[docs]class SubscriptionPeriodFilter(DemographicFilter): """SubscriptionPeriodFilter. This lets you filter recipients with a given range of friendship durations. """
[docs] def __init__(self, gte=None, lt=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. Be sure to specify either gte, lt, or both. :param gte: Send messages to users who have been friends of yours for at least the specified number of days :type gte: str :param lt: Send messages to users who have been friends of yours for less than the specified number of days. You can specify the same values as for the gte property. :type lt: str """ super(SubscriptionPeriodFilter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = "subscriptionPeriod" self.gte = gte = lt