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"""linebot.models.insight module."""
from abc import ABCMeta
from future.utils import with_metaclass
from .base import Base
[docs]class DemographicInsight(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Base)):
"""Abstract Base Class of DemographicInsight."""
[docs] def __init__(self, percentage=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param float percentage: Percentage.
:param kwargs:
super(DemographicInsight, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.percentage = percentage
[docs]class GenderInsight(DemographicInsight):
[docs] def __init__(self, percentage=None, gender=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param float percentage: Percentage.
:param str gender: Gender
:param kwargs:
super(GenderInsight, self).__init__(percentage=percentage, **kwargs)
self.gender = gender
[docs]class AgeInsight(DemographicInsight):
[docs] def __init__(self, percentage=None, age=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param float percentage: Percentage.
:param str age: Age
:param kwargs:
super(AgeInsight, self).__init__(percentage=percentage, **kwargs)
self.age = age
[docs]class AreaInsight(DemographicInsight):
[docs] def __init__(self, percentage=None, area=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param float percentage: Percentage.
:param str area: Area
:param kwargs:
super(AreaInsight, self).__init__(percentage=percentage, **kwargs)
self.area = area
[docs]class AppTypeInsight(DemographicInsight):
[docs] def __init__(self, percentage=None, app_type=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param float percentage: Percentage.
:param str app_type: OS
:param kwargs:
super(AppTypeInsight, self).__init__(percentage=percentage, **kwargs)
self.app_type = app_type
[docs]class SubscriptionPeriodInsight(DemographicInsight):
[docs] def __init__(self, percentage=None, subscription_period=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param float percentage: Percentage.
:param str subscription_period: Friendship duration
:param kwargs:
super(SubscriptionPeriodInsight, self).__init__(percentage=percentage, **kwargs)
self.subscription_period = subscription_period
[docs]class MessageStatistics(Base):
[docs] def __init__(self, request_id=None, timestamp=None, delivered=None,
unique_impression=None, unique_click=None, unique_media_played=None,
unique_media_played_100_percent=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param str request_id: Request ID.
:param int timestamp: UNIX timestamp for message delivery time.
:param int delivered: Number of messages delivered. This property shows values
of less than 20.
:param int unique_impression: Number of people who opened the message,
meaning they displayed at least 1 bubble.
:param int unique_click: Number of people who opened any URL in the message.
:param int unique_media_played: Number of people who started playing any video
or audio in the message.
:param int unique_media_played_100_percent: Number of people who played the entirety of
any video or audio in the message.
super(MessageStatistics, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.request_id = request_id
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.delivered = delivered
self.unique_impression = unique_impression
self.unique_click = unique_click
self.unique_media_played = unique_media_played
self.unique_media_played_100_percent = unique_media_played_100_percent
[docs]class MessageStatisticsOfCustomAggregationUnit(Base):
[docs] def __init__(self, unique_impression=None, unique_click=None, unique_media_played=None,
unique_media_played_100_percent=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param int unique_impression: Number of people who opened the message,
meaning they displayed at least 1 bubble.
:param int unique_click: Number of people who opened any URL in the message.
:param int unique_media_played: Number of people who started playing any video
or audio in the message.
:param int unique_media_played_100_percent: Number of people who played the entirety of
any video or audio in the message.
super(MessageStatisticsOfCustomAggregationUnit, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.unique_impression = unique_impression
self.unique_click = unique_click
self.unique_media_played = unique_media_played
self.unique_media_played_100_percent = unique_media_played_100_percent
[docs]class MessageInsight(Base):
[docs] def __init__(self, seq=None, impression=None, media_played=None,
media_played_25_percent=None, media_played_50_percent=None,
media_played_75_percent=None, media_played_100_percent=None,
unique_media_played=None, unique_media_played_25_percent=None,
unique_media_played_50_percent=None, unique_media_played_75_percent=None,
unique_media_played_100_percent=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param int seq: Bubble's serial number.
:param int impression: Number of times the bubble was displayed.
:param int media_played: Number of times audio or video in the bubble started playing.
:param int media_played_25_percent: Number of times audio or video
in the bubble was played from start to 25%.
:param int media_played_50_percent: Number of times audio or video
in the bubble was played from start to 50%.
:param int media_played_75_percent: Number of times audio or video
in the bubble was played from start to 75%.
:param int media_played_100_percent: Number of times audio or video
in the bubble was played in its entirety.
:param int unique_media_played: Number of people that started playing
audio or video in the bubble.
:param int unique_media_played_25_percent: Number of people that played
audio or video in the bubble from start to 25%.
:param int unique_media_played_50_percent: Number of people that played
audio or video in the bubble from start to 50%.
:param int unique_media_played_75_percent: Number of people that played
audio or video in the bubble from start to 75%.
:param int unique_media_played_100_percent: Number of people that played
audio or video in the bubble in its entirety.
super(MessageInsight, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.seq = seq
self.impression = impression
self.media_played = media_played
self.media_played_25_percent = media_played_25_percent
self.media_played_50_percent = media_played_50_percent
self.media_played_75_percent = media_played_75_percent
self.media_played_100_percent = media_played_100_percent
self.unique_media_played = unique_media_played
self.unique_media_played_25_percent = unique_media_played_25_percent
self.unique_media_played_50_percent = unique_media_played_50_percent
self.unique_media_played_75_percent = unique_media_played_75_percent
self.unique_media_played_100_percent = unique_media_played_100_percent
[docs]class ClickInsight(Base):
[docs] def __init__(self, seq=None, url=None, click=None, unique_click=None,
unique_click_of_request=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param int seq: The URL's serial number.
:param str url: URL.
:param int click: Number of times the URL was opened.
:param int unique_click: Number of people that opened the URL.
:param int unique_click_of_request: Number of people who opened this url
through any link in the message.
super(ClickInsight, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.seq = seq
self.url = url
self.click = click
self.unique_click = unique_click
self.unique_click_of_request = unique_click_of_request
[docs]class JobInsight(Base):
[docs] def __init__(self, audience_group_job_id=None, audience_group_id=None, description=None,
type=None, job_status=None, failed_type=None, audience_count=None,
created=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param int audience_group_job_id: A job ID.
:param int audience_group_id: An audience ID.
:param str description: The job's description.
:param str type: The job's type. One of: 'DIFF_ADD'
:param str job_status: The job's status. One of: 'QUEUED', 'WORKING', 'FINISHED', 'FAILED'
:param str failed_type: The reason why the operation failed. This is only included when
jobs[].jobStatus is FAILED.
:param int audience_count: The number of accounts (recipients) that were added or removed.
:param int created: When the job was created (in UNIX time).
:param kwargs:
super(JobInsight, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.audience_group_job_id = audience_group_job_id
self.audience_group_id = audience_group_id
self.description = description
self.type = type
self.job_status = job_status
self.failed_type = failed_type
self.audience_count = audience_count
self.created = created