Source code for linebot.models.messages

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"""linebot.models.messages module."""

from abc import ABCMeta

from future.utils import with_metaclass

from linebot.models.emojis import Emojis
from .mention import Mention
from .mentionee import Mentionee
from .base import Base

from deprecated import deprecated

from linebot.deprecations import (

[docs]@deprecated(reason="Use 'from linebot.v3.webhooks import MessageContent' instead. See for more details.", version='3.0.0', category=LineBotSdkDeprecatedIn30) # noqa: E501 class Message(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Base)): """Abstract Base Class of Message."""
[docs] def __init__(self, id=None, use_raw_message=False, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str id: Message ID :param bool use_raw_message: Using original Message key as attribute :param kwargs: """ super(Message, self).__init__(**kwargs) if use_raw_message: self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.type = None = id
def __getitem__(self, key): """__getitem__ method. :param str key: Message key """ return self.__dict__.get(key, None)
[docs]@deprecated(reason="Use 'from linebot.v3.webhooks import TextMessageContent' instead. See for more details.", version='3.0.0', category=LineBotSdkDeprecatedIn30) # noqa: E501 class TextMessage(Message): """TextMessage. Message object which contains the text sent from the source. """
[docs] def __init__(self, id=None, text=None, emojis=None, mention=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str id: Message ID :param str text: Message text :param List emojis: Array of LINE emoji objects :param object mention: LINE mention object :param kwargs: """ super(TextMessage, self).__init__(id=id, **kwargs) self.type = 'text' self.text = text if emojis: new_emojis = [] for emoji in emojis: emoji_object = self.get_or_new_from_json_dict( emoji, Emojis ) if emoji_object: new_emojis.append(emoji_object) self.emojis = new_emojis else: self.emojis = emojis if mention: mention_object = self.get_or_new_from_json_dict( mention, Mention ) mentionees = [] for mentionee in mention_object.mentionees: mentionee_object = self.get_or_new_from_json_dict( mentionee, Mentionee ) if mentionee_object: mentionees.append(mentionee_object) self.mention = Mention(mentionees) else: self.mention = mention
[docs]@deprecated(reason="Use 'from linebot.v3.webhooks import ImageMessageContent' instead. See for more details.", version='3.0.0', category=LineBotSdkDeprecatedIn30) # noqa: E501 class ImageMessage(Message): """ImageMessage. Message object which contains the image content sent from the source. The binary image data can be retrieved with the Content API. """
[docs] def __init__(self, id=None, content_provider=None, image_set=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str id: Message ID :param content_provider: ContentProvider object :type content_provider: :py:class:`linebot.models.messages.ContentProvider` :param image_set: ImageSet object :type image_set: :py:class:`linebot.models.messages.ImageSet` :param kwargs: """ super(ImageMessage, self).__init__(id=id, **kwargs) self.type = 'image' self.content_provider = self.get_or_new_from_json_dict( content_provider, ContentProvider ) self.image_set = self.get_or_new_from_json_dict( image_set, ImageSet )
[docs]@deprecated(reason="Use 'from linebot.v3.webhooks import VideoMessageContent' instead. See for more details.", version='3.0.0', category=LineBotSdkDeprecatedIn30) # noqa: E501 class VideoMessage(Message): """VideoMessage. Message object which contains the video content sent from the source. The binary video data can be retrieved with the Content API. """
[docs] def __init__(self, id=None, duration=None, content_provider=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str id: Message ID :param long duration: Length of video file (milliseconds) :param content_provider: ContentProvider object :type content_provider: :py:class:`linebot.models.messages.ContentProvider` :param kwargs: """ super(VideoMessage, self).__init__(id=id, **kwargs) self.type = 'video' self.duration = duration self.content_provider = self.get_or_new_from_json_dict( content_provider, ContentProvider )
[docs]@deprecated(reason="Use 'from linebot.v3.webhooks import AudioMessageContent' instead. See for more details.", version='3.0.0', category=LineBotSdkDeprecatedIn30) # noqa: E501 class AudioMessage(Message): """AudioMessage. Message object which contains the audio content sent from the source. The binary audio data can be retrieved with the Content API. """
[docs] def __init__(self, id=None, duration=None, content_provider=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str id: Message ID :param long duration: Length of audio file (milliseconds) :param content_provider: ContentProvider object :type content_provider: :py:class:`linebot.models.messages.ContentProvider` :param kwargs: """ super(AudioMessage, self).__init__(id=id, **kwargs) self.type = 'audio' self.duration = duration self.content_provider = self.get_or_new_from_json_dict( content_provider, ContentProvider )
[docs]@deprecated(reason="Use 'from linebot.v3.webhooks import LocationMessageContent' instead. See for more details.", version='3.0.0', category=LineBotSdkDeprecatedIn30) # noqa: E501 class LocationMessage(Message): """LocationMessage. """
[docs] def __init__(self, id=None, title=None, address=None, latitude=None, longitude=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str id: Message ID :param str title: Title :param str address: Address :param float latitude: Latitude :param float longitude: Longitude :param kwargs: """ super(LocationMessage, self).__init__(id=id, **kwargs) self.type = 'location' self.title = title self.address = address self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude
[docs]@deprecated(reason="Use 'from linebot.v3.webhooks import StickerMessageContent' instead. See for more details.", version='3.0.0', category=LineBotSdkDeprecatedIn30) # noqa: E501 class StickerMessage(Message): """StickerMessage. Message object which contains the sticker data sent from the source. For a list of basic LINE stickers and sticker IDs, see sticker list. """
[docs] def __init__(self, id=None, package_id=None, sticker_id=None, sticker_resource_type=None, keywords=None, text=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str id: Message ID :param str package_id: Package ID :param str sticker_id: Sticker ID :param str sticker_resource_type: Sticker resource type :param list[str] keywords: List of up to 15 keywords describing the sticker :param str text: Any text entered by the user :param kwargs: """ super(StickerMessage, self).__init__(id=id, **kwargs) self.type = 'sticker' self.package_id = package_id self.sticker_id = sticker_id self.sticker_resource_type = sticker_resource_type self.keywords = keywords self.text = text
[docs]@deprecated(reason="Use 'from linebot.v3.webhooks import FileMessageContent' instead. See for more details.", version='3.0.0', category=LineBotSdkDeprecatedIn30) # noqa: E501 class FileMessage(Message): """FileMessage. Message object which contains the file content sent from the source. The binary file data can be retrieved with the Content API. """
[docs] def __init__(self, id=None, file_name=None, file_size=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str id: Message ID :param str file_name: File Name :param int file_size: File Size :param kwargs: """ super(FileMessage, self).__init__(id=id, **kwargs) self.type = 'file' self.file_size = file_size self.file_name = file_name
[docs]@deprecated(reason="Use 'from linebot.v3.webhooks import ContentProvider' instead. See for more details.", version='3.0.0', category=LineBotSdkDeprecatedIn30) # noqa: E501 class ContentProvider(Base): """Content provider."""
[docs] def __init__(self, type=None, original_content_url=None, preview_image_url=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str type: Provider of the content. `line` or `external`. :param str original_content_url: URL of the content. :param str preview_image_url: URL of the preview image. :param kwargs: """ super(ContentProvider, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = type self.original_content_url = original_content_url self.preview_image_url = preview_image_url
[docs]@deprecated(reason="Use 'from linebot.v3.webhooks import ImageSet' instead. See for more details.", version='3.0.0', category=LineBotSdkDeprecatedIn30) # noqa: E501 class ImageSet(Base): """Image Set."""
[docs] def __init__(self, id=None, index=None, total=0, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str id: Image set ID. :param int index: Image number in a set of images sent simultaneously. :param int total: Total number of images sent simultaneously. :param kwargs: """ super(ImageSet, self).__init__(**kwargs) = id self.index = index = total