Source code for linebot.models.rich_menu
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"""linebot.models.rich_menu module."""
from abc import ABCMeta
from future.utils import with_metaclass
from .actions import get_action
from .base import Base
[docs]class RichMenu(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Base)):
[docs] def __init__(self, size=None, selected=None, name=None, chat_bar_text=None,
areas=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param size: size object which describe the rich menu displayed in the chat.
Rich menu images must be one of the following sizes: 2500x1686, 2500x843.
:type size: :py:class:`linebot.models.rich_menu.RichMenuSize`
:param bool selected: true to display the rich menu by default. Otherwise, false.
:param str name: Name of the rich menu.
Maximum of 300 characters.
:param str chatBarText: Text displayed in the chat bar.
Maximum of 14 characters.
:param areas: Array of area objects which define coordinates and size of tappable areas.
Maximum of 20 area objects.
:type areas: list[T <= :py:class:`linebot.models.rich_menu.RichMenuArea`]
:param kwargs:
super(RichMenu, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.size = self.get_or_new_from_json_dict(size, RichMenuSize)
self.selected = selected = name
self.chat_bar_text = chat_bar_text
new_areas = []
if areas:
for area in areas:
self.get_or_new_from_json_dict(area, RichMenuArea)
self.areas = new_areas
[docs]class RichMenuSize(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Base)):
[docs] def __init__(self, width=None, height=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param int width: Width of the rich menu. Must be 2500.
:param int height: Height of the rich menu. Possible values: 1686, 843.
:param kwargs:
super(RichMenuSize, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.width = width
self.height = height
[docs]class RichMenuArea(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Base)):
[docs] def __init__(self, bounds=None, action=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param bounds: Object describing the boundaries of the area in pixels. See bounds object.
:type bounds: :py:class:`linebot.models.rich_menu.RichMenuBound`
:param action: Action performed when the area is tapped. See action objects.
:type action: T <= :py:class:`linebot.models.actions.Action`
:param kwargs:
super(RichMenuArea, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.bounds = self.get_or_new_from_json_dict(bounds, RichMenuBounds)
self.action = get_action(action)
[docs]class RichMenuBounds(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Base)):
[docs] def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, width=None, height=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param int x: Horizontal position relative to the top-left corner of the area.
:param int y: Vertical position relative to the top-left corner of the area.
:param int width: Width of the area.
:param int height: Height of the area.
:param kwargs:
super(RichMenuBounds, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
[docs]class RichMenuAlias(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Base)):
[docs] def __init__(self, rich_menu_alias_id=None, rich_menu_id=None, **kwargs):
"""__init__ method.
:param string rich_menu_alias_id: Rich menu alias ID,
which can be any ID, unique for each channel.
:param string rich_menu_id: The rich menu ID to be associated with the rich menu alias.
:param kwargs:
super(RichMenuAlias, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.rich_menu_alias_id = rich_menu_alias_id
self.rich_menu_id = rich_menu_id