Source code for linebot.models.template

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"""linebot.models.template module."""

from abc import ABCMeta

from future.utils import with_metaclass

from .actions import get_action, get_actions
from .base import Base
from .send_messages import SendMessage

[docs]class TemplateSendMessage(SendMessage): """TemplateSendMessage. Template messages are messages with predefined layouts which you can customize. There are three types of templates available that can be used to interact with users through your bot. """
[docs] def __init__(self, alt_text=None, template=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str alt_text: Alternative text for unsupported devices. :param template: Object with the contents of the template. :type template: T <= :py:class:`linebot.models.template.Template` :param kwargs: """ super(TemplateSendMessage, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = 'template' self.alt_text = alt_text self.template = self.get_or_new_from_json_dict_with_types( template, { 'buttons': ButtonsTemplate, 'confirm': ConfirmTemplate, 'carousel': CarouselTemplate, 'image_carousel': ImageCarouselTemplate } )
[docs]class Template(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Base)): """Abstract Base Class of Template."""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param kwargs: """ super(Template, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = None
[docs]class ButtonsTemplate(Template): """ButtonsTemplate. Template message with an image, title, text, and multiple action buttons. """
[docs] def __init__(self, text=None, title=None, thumbnail_image_url=None, image_aspect_ratio=None, image_size=None, image_background_color=None, actions=None, default_action=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str text: Message text. Max: 160 characters (no image or title). Max: 60 characters (message with an image or title) :param str title: Title. Max: 40 characters :param str thumbnail_image_url: Image URL. HTTPS JPEG or PNG Aspect ratio: 1:1.51 Max width: 1024px Max: 1 MB :param str image_aspect_ratio: Aspect ratio of the image. Specify one of the following values: rectangle: 1.51:1 square: 1:1 :param str image_size: Size of the image. Specify ``cover`` or ``contain``. :param str image_background_color: Background color of image. Specify a RGB color value. :param actions: Action when tapped. Max: 4 :type actions: list[T <= :py:class:`linebot.models.actions.Action`] :param default_action: Action when image is tapped; set for the entire image, title, and text area :type default_action: T <= :py:class:`linebot.models.actions.Action` :param kwargs: """ super(ButtonsTemplate, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = 'buttons' self.text = text self.title = title self.thumbnail_image_url = thumbnail_image_url self.image_aspect_ratio = image_aspect_ratio self.image_size = image_size self.image_background_color = image_background_color self.actions = get_actions(actions) self.default_action = get_action(default_action)
[docs]class ConfirmTemplate(Template): """ConfirmTemplate. Template message with two action buttons. """
[docs] def __init__(self, text=None, actions=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str text: Message text. Max: 240 characters :param actions: Action when tapped. Max: 2 :type actions: list[T <= :py:class:`linebot.models.actions.Action`] :param kwargs: """ super(ConfirmTemplate, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = 'confirm' self.text = text self.actions = get_actions(actions)
[docs]class CarouselTemplate(Template): """CarouselTemplate. Template message with multiple columns which can be cycled like a carousel. """
[docs] def __init__(self, columns=None, image_aspect_ratio=None, image_size=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param columns: Array of columns. Max: 10 :type columns: list[T <= :py:class:`linebot.models.template.CarouselColumn`] :param str image_aspect_ratio: Aspect ratio of the image. Specify ``rectangle`` or ``square``. :param str image_size: Size of the image. Specify ``cover`` or ``contain``. :param kwargs: """ super(CarouselTemplate, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = 'carousel' new_columns = [] if columns: for column in columns: new_columns.append(self.get_or_new_from_json_dict( column, CarouselColumn )) self.columns = new_columns self.image_aspect_ratio = image_aspect_ratio self.image_size = image_size
[docs]class ImageCarouselTemplate(Template): """ImageCarouselTemplate. Template message with multiple images columns which can be cycled like as carousel. """
[docs] def __init__(self, columns=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param columns: Array of columns. Max: 10 :type columns: list[T <= :py:class:`linebot.models.template.ImageCarouselColumn`] :param kwargs: """ super(ImageCarouselTemplate, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = 'image_carousel' new_columns = [] if columns: for column in columns: new_columns.append(self.get_or_new_from_json_dict( column, ImageCarouselColumn )) self.columns = new_columns
[docs]class CarouselColumn(Base): """CarouselColumn. """
[docs] def __init__(self, text=None, title=None, thumbnail_image_url=None, image_background_color=None, actions=None, default_action=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str text: Message text. Max: 120 characters (no image or title) Max: 60 characters (message with an image or title) :param str title: Title. Max: 40 characters :param str thumbnail_image_url: Image URL (HTTPS). JPEG or PNG. Aspect ration is 1:1.51. Max width: 1024px, Max: 1 MB. :param str image_background_color: Background color of image. Specify a RGB color value. :param actions: Action when tapped. Max: 3 :type actions: list[T <= :py:class:`linebot.models.actions.Action`] :param default_action: Action when image is tapped; set for the entire image, title, and text area :type default_action: T <= :py:class:`linebot.models.actions.Action` :param kwargs: """ super(CarouselColumn, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.text = text self.title = title self.thumbnail_image_url = thumbnail_image_url self.image_background_color = image_background_color self.actions = get_actions(actions) self.default_action = get_action(default_action)
[docs]class ImageCarouselColumn(Base): """ImageCarouselColumn. """
[docs] def __init__(self, image_url=None, action=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. :param str image_url: Image URL (HTTPS). JPEG or PNG. Aspect ration is 1:1. Max width: 1024px, Max: 1 MB. :param action: Action when image is tapped. Max: 5. :type action: T <= :py:class:`linebot.models.actions.Action` :param kwargs: """ super(ImageCarouselColumn, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.image_url = image_url self.action = get_action(action)